Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PJ's July 2013 Blog

Dear Friends, Greetings to you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ! It is coming soon! Soon I will be going into the hospital for a knee replacement. This will take place on Tuesday – August 6th at St Vincent. I am so thankful that we have Bethany on staff full time. She has been a wonderful partner in ministry and will be a great blessing during my recovery time. I am told by my doctor that I will be out of work for 6 weeks. That’s hard for me to imagine but I continue to hear from others who have gone through this that I will need to focus my energy and time on rehab. I have begun to plan ahead through September – as much as possible. But I am asking for your help! I do not want Bethany to have to carry the whole load by herself! What follows are some ways you can use your gifts & time in the ministry we do together! 1. Bethany & Jairo & Pastor Stan will team up to take care of preaching and preside at Holy Communion. It may happen that we will not have communion every Sunday & Wednesday. You can help with worship in the following ways: Liturgist, Children’s Message, Help Serve Holy Communion, Turn on & off P.A System & Lights, Unlock & Lock Church Building, and be sure Ushers & Greeters & Reader & Acolyte are present. 2. Teaching of Confirmation will be taking place in September with the 7th – 9th graders and during August with a student who is planning to be confirmed in August. I will arrange for a pastor to be present for the August confirmation. You can help Bethany with the teaching of classes in September. We will have 7th graders doing Old Testament, 8th graders the Small Catechism and 9th graders doing “Who Is Jesus Christ!” 3. We are making plans for Sunday School in the fall now! There will be a meeting about Sunday School for all interested parents and other adults the later part of June or the first part of July! Please share your hopes for this part of our ministry with Pastor Jim or Bethany and be sure to attend the planning meetings. We will also need teachers and helpers!! 4. The Mid-Week Service and Barbeques will continue in August. Bethany will take care of the worship service and the speakers will be arranged for each Wednesday. You can help with the following: Setting up for Worship & the Meal, Help with the Holy Spirit Doves, Prepare, Serve and Clean Up after the meal. 5. Visitation will continue as needed. It would be helpful if someone would stop in to visit with those in our parish that can not join us for worship. There will be a display set up in the entry way for you to sign up to share your time and talents in the above areas of ministry! I am thankful for the staff God has blessed us with as well as members who are willing to serve. Like our United2Serve verse says: “Each one should use whatever gifts he or she has received to serve.” I Peter 4:10. Or I also like these words of Paul from Philippians 1: 3- “I thank my God every time I remember you, In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel!” In Christ, Pastor Jim Gerth

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pastor's June 2013 Blog

GETTING TO KNOW YOU!!! Just to remind you to stop at the GETTING TO KNOW YOU display on Sunday mornings to sign up to have either Bethany or myself stop over for a visit this summer. The purpose of these visits is to get to know you better, to share the vision the church council has for Atonement over the next few years and to hear what your hopes are for the Mission & Ministry we do together. Do stop by and sign up today! Thank you for your wonderful financial support of Atonement over these first 4 months of 2013. Your gifts have made it possible to move forward with the proclamation of the Gospel so that others may come to know Jesus Christ! May we continue to give out of Joy for what Christ has done for us! If you have any questions about our financial position you can direct them to a member of the Church Council. We give because Jesus gave His life for you and me. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in him may not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 SEE YOU AT WORSHIP! Pastor Jim Gerth (P.J.)